About the project

Lecture and workshop series
The project presents an extended annual series of lectures and workshops that deal with the field of design, its current status and future challenges. The aim is to develop expert discussions in this area in a pan-European context.
Czechdesign and Norway
The future of European design and applied art project will run for the years 2014 – 2016 by the Czech design centre, CZECHDESIGN, in partnership with the Norwegian University of Science and Technology and with support of EEA Grants.
Social impacts, the future and research
The subjects of the lectures and workshops are topics such as the social role of design and its relationship to society, the future of the design disciplines or the role of research in design.
Partnerships with foreign experts and Czech universities
Lectures, workshops and discussions are led by invited international designers and personalities from the field of design, for design students, designers and the public, in cooperation with the Czech universities; Academy of Arts, Architecture and Design in Prague; Faculty of Multimedia Communications of Tomas Bata University in Zlin; Faculty of Art and Design at J.E. Purkyně in Ústí nad Labem and others.
Within the project two professional publications will be released: Research and Design, and The Future of Design.
Project Team
Project manager: Jana Vinšová
Production: Radka Machalická
Promotion and PR: Karolina Matějková
Program: Kamila Matějková, Jana Vinšová, Ludmila Boháčová, Radka Machalická, Kate Spacek, Filip Dedic, Michaela Juřenčáková and Anežka Adamíková
Graphics and visual communication: Markéta Steinert
Graphics cooperation: Tomas Melichar, Linda Matějovská, Helena Jakoubě
Photographers: Anna Kazanova, Lucie Nohejlová, Jan Hromádko, Jakub Hrab
For their support and partnership, we thank the project partners:
Asten Hotels, Designreader, Insidecor, Designportal, DesignMagazin, Design Cabinet CZ, Artikl a Lidovky.cz.